AOL Published the search data of 500k+ (657k+) "randomized" users. The intentions were good.
Because of all the privacy concerns and reports like one on NYTimes.
I just played with this data to find some general information. I tried to aggregate some data bout question people ask to search engine.
One thing is clear that people like to ask "How" very much. Out of around 21 Million uniq queries fired, around 0.16Million were questions (how what where when which). Out of these 50+% are "How" queries, see attached graph or table below.
Quetion Type count
- how 91397
- what 57659
- where 11630
- when 9600
- which 1729
Out of all these question 98424 queries generated any click. (58.43%)
All together 216007 number of clicks generated (1.28 clicks / query)
Page Clicks % age
- 1 175871 81.42
- 2 22723 10.52
- 3 7152 3.31
- 4 3062 1.42
- 5 1805 0.84
- 6 1200 0.56
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